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I am, in fact, an attuned Usui Reiki healer, long time Caregiver to all who may need care, and loving mother and wife. I have been certified in Reiki, Reflexology, Medical Assisting, CPR and First aid and am working everyday to grow and learn more ways to help myself and those around me.


What I legally am not, is a doctor, personal trainer, wellness practitioner, life or health coach, counselor, therapist, hair dresser, cosmetologist, licensed taxi, or first responder.


Any information you share with me is private and will stay private. Any information I share with you is simply suggestion. 


Judgement is not in my nature, I never want you to feel that what you say or the reasons you may be struggling will by judged by me.


I am a Caregiver with a busy first come first server schedule, so while I encourage you to request me, as you need me, I warn that last minute bookings cannot always be accommodated.  In addition, as I have openly shared with you, I do struggle with my own health issues and find that I am not always available to help, but I give you my word, I will be there for you, to the best of my ability.


The beauty of texting, in my mind, is that you can respond when you are able to. So, while I am very responsive to my texts, at times, when I am working, with family, unwell or sleeping, my response times may be slower. Regardless, I will respond. I offer my number to text because I think its a nice way to feel like you do have unlimited support and like there is a lifeline available.


Generally, unless work related, I do try to avoid talking on the phone. (text really is best for me personally) However, you can call my cell. My phone will go to voicemail automatically and you are most welcome to leave a message. I will get back to you.



Please print and sign the Hold Harmless and Treatment Forms.






Alicia O'Malley


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